Note: I will mostly try to take an
unbiased approach and lay out the facts, and then I will give my own
personal opinion, this is in no way saying which game is better. Both
games are great, and are targeting different audiences. Heroes =
dota, Champion = LoL.
This is something I have personally
been wanting to do for awhile, and thought that it would be neat to
share with the general public my thoughts. I will compare these two
games by champion/hero roles, and how I believe they are
different/similar, and then talk about some of the specific game
Support is my favorite role to play in
LoL. I feel that a great support can be what wins key team fights at
the end of the game. I originally started playing support because I
saw people doing it so poorly that I began to play it myself. It also
helped that I often queued with multiple people. I think map vision
is a huge part on who wins a game. It is nearly impossible to get
ganked if you have know where the enemy jungler is. In this regard,
support is the same in both games.
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Wards are good |
The player is suppose to get little to
no farm, they buy the wards/courier in Dota, and they usually have
skills that do not require them to be item dependent. I do feel that
Dota support is not nearly as much fun as LoL support. In LoL, you
still have ways to get gold. With the Gp10 items, and the
introduction to pickpocket. LoL also recently added an item that
refreshed wards when you went back to the fountain. With these
additions, it allows support players to simply build more items.
Being support and having a full build might be the best thing in LoL.
You not only have your 4 abilities to use, but you usually get 2 or 3
more with your items. In Dota, the only source of gold is hero kills
and minion kills. Since you don't get farm, your goal to get gold is
to make your carry get kills, so you can get an assist. In higher
rank games, this doesn't happen very often.
Overall: Roles pretty much the same,
although Dota doesn't cater to the role as much as LoL does.
Jungle was the second role I picked up
in LoL, for similar reasons. I felt that if a jungler could get off a
couple good ganks, it would put your team so far ahead that you could
not lose. In both games the jungler gains levels and gold by killing
the neutral creeps. The big difference I see is that in LoL, it is
expected that the jungler gank atleast once between levels 2-4. In
Dota, the jungler is mostly just expected to survive. This is a much
bigger deal in Dota then it is in LoL, because gold and experience is
“weighed” heavier in Dota then it is in LoL. I'll go into details
about that later. In general, the jungle in LoL is more open to who can do it, then it is in Dota, there are very few champions who can actually survive the jungle, and even fewer who can do it well.
Overall: Role do the same thing, but
one is for LoL, creates ganking power, dota is for bigger farm.
This role is no different, you get
farm, you get items, you kill everyone. You get focused in team
fights, and your team tries to keep you alive.
This is the one role I feel is really
different. The main reason is that in LoL you have a mechanic call
AP, or ability power. Players can get items that increase this, and
thus will increase the effectiveness of your spells. Dota only allows
players to build Intelligence, there are a handful of heroes whose
skills will increase off intelligence, but for the most part, the
reason you get intelligence is for mana/mana regen, and it increases
the damage of your auto attack. In Dota your auto attack is almost
considered a spell, and to be a part of your damage. Big problem I
see with this is that in Dota, these champions fall off late game.
Overall: LoL – cast spells, get items
to make spells better. Dota – cast spells, get items to allow you
to cast them more often, and auto attack.
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Yay health! |
This role can be coupled with other
roles, but I just want to mention that both games have champions
whose goal is to become a giant health giant, and not die, and to
distract the team away from your carry. In that regard, the role is
no different between games.
General game mechanics:
I mentioned before how gold and
experience is “heavier” in dota, and what I mean is that when you
have 3000 gold in LoL, you are doing well, but when you get 3000 gold
in Dota, you are doing very well. The biggest difference that I see
between the two games is this. In Dota, you lose gold if you die.
This mechanic leans itself to having teams snowball harder then an AP
champion with a Soulstealer. I feel that games can be won and lost in
the first 10 minutes of a Dota game if one team gets a couple kills,
and the other does not. In both games you can argue that your goal is
to get and advantage, and to do everything you can to hang onto it.
This is true, but in Dota, you can become so far ahead that heroes
will walk into your fountain and kill you. The worst part is, there
is no surrender option. I find this strange because LoL prides itself
on almost always being able to make a come back. In LoL you can
become worth so little gold to the enemy team, that they would be
better off getting CS then killing you. In Dota, you will always get
200+(Dying Hero Level)*9 gold.
Another major difference is that Dota
has all heroes unlocked at the start, where in LoL you have to gain
levels on your account, and get IP from playing games to buy heroes
that you want to play on a consistent bases. What I mean by that is
in LoL there are always 10 free champions, and these change week to
week. One thing that this does for you is that it forces you to learn
the champions as you are leveling up.
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There is also an opinion on color, LoL is much more colorful then Dota is. |
I know that there is a lot more that I
can talk about, but I honestly feel like I have already said too
much, so here is my final 2 cents.
Dota leans itself to a more hardcore
player base. By having it so that you not only gain an advantage when
you get a kill, but you also take away from the opposing side. They
lose gold, and experience. In Dota, after you hit 18, and have all
your skills, you get 7 more levels of stats. When you have the
ability to gain such and advantage, and the skill to hold it, you
will win 9 times out of 10.
League tends to be more casual. In
every game you have a chance to make a comeback. When you start
losing, and keep losing, the opposing team does not keep gaining a
larger and larger advantage. They instead gain a smaller and smaller
advantage, and when you make your comeback, you shrink that advantage
Lastly, the Dota community is generally
better then LoL. If someone disconnects, they almost immediately
pause the game, and someone either says “hang on he's coming back”
or on the opposing side someone will ask if they someone knows if
they will be back. Not saying there are no trolls in Dota, there are
just fewer of them.
Thanks for reading my wall of text, and
I welcome an intelligent discussion on the matter.
Hi. I'm a relatively high elo league of legends player (~plat 2) and my MMR in dota 2 is very high DBR ~1900 roughly.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on several counts. Supports in DotA are pretty fundamentally different than supports in League of Legends. In League of Legends, the game is carry centric -- e.g. get around the carry and protect them so they can do damage. In DotA, the game is support centric.
What do I mean by this? I think the goal of carries in DotA is not to kill the enemy carry - it's to get rid of the supports because that's who really win fights, with their massive amount of utility. In League, killing a Soraka makes a difference, but it's not teamfight deciding. Killing an AD carrying literally means the game is over. In DotA, killing a carry doesn't necessarily mean the fight is over. A good black hole or RP with followup from a witch doctor (as an example) can be a teamwipe, easily.
Also, I believe that support is much more flexible in DotA. In League you are literally the bitch when you play support. You're pretty much expected to give up all farm and just stay with your carry. This is actually uncommon in high level DotA. As a support you can stack and pull for XP and gold, and you play a very active role in ganking with smoke.
Oh, and as an addendum to my post, killing a support in DotA can literally mean the other team is crippled. If the other team has a lich or disrupter for example, and he's sniped, then the enemy's teamfight potential drops tremendously.
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