Whether you've noticed it or not, these are the 4 distinct roles in every group, crew, or organization.
If you're part of an group, then you're probably one of these roles as well.
So what are you?
Are you The Brains, organized and methodical?
Are you The Looks, charming and compelling?
Are you The Muscle, hands-on and proactive?
Or are you The Wildcard, innovative and unpredictable?
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia brought up the idea up as a joke, but I researched it a little, and I genuinely believe this concept actually does have some truth to it.
A group can survive without all of these roles, but to achieve maximum potential, I believe a group actually does need to have someone with each of these 4 traits, even if one person fulfills more than one role.
I'm going to start by explaining each of these roles and why each of them are actually valuable.
Then we're going to look at the most famous crews in history, and see how those fit into this construct, if at all.
Also, roles are not mutually exclusive. There is often plenty of overlap.
I know it sounds stupid, but hear me out-